Overwatch Anniversary Event Ends, New Maps on the Horizon

See what I did there..? :3

And so another Overwatch event has ended, and I think I did okay on the lootbox side of things lol. I managed to get two of three legendary skins I really wanted, and I got the player icons, voice lines, and emotes that I was after.

So yeah, not bad, I guess.

I DO agree though, that this event’s loot drops seemed worse than previous events. I’m sure there were also lucky players out there who continually kept pulling legendaries, but in my case, about 75% of what I got was… well… garbage lol.

On one hand, I’m not really complaining because I still had fun and everything was FREE. On the other hand, I had to spend coins for the Symmetra Oasis skin as I NEVER saw her drop even once throughout my whole playthrough, so that’s a little frustrating. … buuuuuuut then again, this is the point where I tell myself that I should simply spend the non-event periods frantically saving up currency for when the next event drops. ^_^;;;

Anyway, I got my curry kween, so I’m good. 😀 How was everyone else’s run?


(More Overwatch ramblings ahead.)

So ANYWAY, I think the Anniversary event wrapped up nicely despite the usual shenanigans, salt, and player discontent (to quote someone I know, who was quoting someone else, “The problem with gamers is you can give them hundred-dollar bills, and someone would still complain that his bill had a folded corner…”).

I’m actually also a little glad that Blizzard will NOT be having another event soon.

This is mostly because I was starting to be afraid that they’d reach some sort of creative burn out, especially since they seemed to go nonstop since October 2016. We had the Halloween, Christmas, Lunar New Year, Uprising, and Anniversary events in such quick succession, that it shocked me a bit.

I think the Overwatch team can take a breather for now. Us players can focus on Season 5 (maybe…) and save up on coins, while they recharge their creative reserves. After all, you can probably only deal with skinning and costume designing for so long before you get sick of it lol.

Which brings me to… the upcoming new maps.




Overwatch new maps

I got to try them during the Anniversary event, and I am SO, SO excited to get these maps mixed into regular play soon.

I’m delighted that they’re balancing out the torrent of skins and lootbox-hunting by spending some time developing fun, new environments like these. ONE EVEN HAS LOW-GRAVITY, and is due to come out only a week or so after the Anniversary event! Potential shenanigans!!! xDDDD

Seriously, though, I can only imagine the amount of work that went into these, and I’m super appreciative of them. The Overwatch playerbase tends to be quite… bratty (to say it nicely….), and I’m thankful that the creatives and devs over there are still putting out great work in spite of the constant whining and bitching in the background.

So, thanks, Good Guy Blizz. ❤



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