Overwatch Summer Games Event 2017

Most importantly: LUCIOBALL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello. Yes, I am indeed still alive lol. No… I still don’t have a visa for Japan, but let’s skip that for now. ;w;

I’m just here to spazz out over the Overwatch Summer Games event for this year, because despite all the usual whining from the player base, I LOVE the new skins and cosmetics from this event!

Screenshots and some light commentary below lol.

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Overwatch Anniversary Event Ends, New Maps on the Horizon

See what I did there..? :3

And so another Overwatch event has ended, and I think I did okay on the lootbox side of things lol. I managed to get two of three legendary skins I really wanted, and I got the player icons, voice lines, and emotes that I was after.

So yeah, not bad, I guess.

I DO agree though, that this event’s loot drops seemed worse than previous events. I’m sure there were also lucky players out there who continually kept pulling legendaries, but in my case, about 75% of what I got was… well… garbage lol.

On one hand, I’m not really complaining because I still had fun and everything was FREE. On the other hand, I had to spend coins for the Symmetra Oasis skin as I NEVER saw her drop even once throughout my whole playthrough, so that’s a little frustrating. … buuuuuuut then again, this is the point where I tell myself that I should simply spend the non-event periods frantically saving up currency for when the next event drops. ^_^;;;

Anyway, I got my curry kween, so I’m good. 😀 How was everyone else’s run?


(More Overwatch ramblings ahead.)

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5 Ways To Rank Up in Overwatch Competitive (by Jamilah Lim)

Because we all wanna win, right?

Lol sorry for the lack of updates.

Anyway, season 5 of Overwatch has recently begun, and I’ve decided to dive in it this time around, after missing seasons 3 and 4 (I was in season 1 and 2, but it was on PS4. I only got my PC account late in 2016).

So far I’m still completing my placement matches, and I’m currently at 2 wins, 1 loss at this point. Then I took a break because I’m weaksauce like that hahahaha. 😀

In any case, I found this post on one of my favorite Overwatch Facebook groups, Blackwatch, and I thought it might be super useful for a lot of people, including myself.

Again, not written by me, but rather by Ms. Jamilah Lim, and I’m just reposting it here with minor cosmetic edits.


Continue reading “5 Ways To Rank Up in Overwatch Competitive (by Jamilah Lim)”

Hyped for Overwatch 1 Year Anniversary!

Skins, voice lines, DANCING!

Wow. I can’t believe it’s been a year!

I’m proud to be among the launch players, and honestly, this game has brought me tons of joy (and salt… but there’s always that, I guess…). Now that we’re celebrating the first anniversary, it just amazes me how fast a year can go by lol.

Anyway, Blizz is celebrating in style, and I LOVE the new skins!

Continue reading “Hyped for Overwatch 1 Year Anniversary!”