Quick Intermission

brb when no longer dying.

I’ve been planning blog posts for the past several days, and I’ve been dying to sit down and type away.

Except I spent the past three days cramming the living shit out of something for work, so now I’m just running on fumes hahahha help.

Anyway topics coming up:

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (aka, Salazar’s Revenge)
  • American Gods, Episode 5: Lemon Scented You
  • Possibly me ranting about work lol

Here’s to hoping I actually get some sleep soon.

T minus 3 months to go to get my Japanese visa…

The point where I really need to get off my ass already.

Holy fuck, I just realized that the counter here on my blog has ticked down. I’m freaking out again.


So my friend James has referred me to a travel agency he always goes to whenever he needs to get a visa anywhere. According to the agency’s site, I need to submit the following requirements:

Continue reading “T minus 3 months to go to get my Japanese visa…”

Third World Passport Woes and Anime Dreams

Another episode of the Paper Trail Saga begins

Our upcoming trip to Japan is still a good four months away *points to countdown timer in the sidebar* but if you’re an ordinary Philippine citizen, you’re never really sure if that’s enough time.

Well I’m an ordinary Philippine citizen, and the fear that four months still won’t be enough to get a Japanese visa is too real.

I was talking with my friend James today. He and his boyfriend will apparently also be in Tokyo during our first week there, so we discussed plans on meeting up so that they could at least show us around and guide us on how things work over there.

He also reminded me that I need to get my documents in order, and this is where I realize that I may be a teeny bit overwhelmed right now.

Continue reading “Third World Passport Woes and Anime Dreams”

Hyped for Overwatch 1 Year Anniversary!

Skins, voice lines, DANCING!

Wow. I can’t believe it’s been a year!

I’m proud to be among the launch players, and honestly, this game has brought me tons of joy (and salt… but there’s always that, I guess…). Now that we’re celebrating the first anniversary, it just amazes me how fast a year can go by lol.

Anyway, Blizz is celebrating in style, and I LOVE the new skins!

Continue reading “Hyped for Overwatch 1 Year Anniversary!”

Tokyo lodgings found! … In Saitama.

I may have jumped the gun. Again. … Shit.


I should NOT be left alone with a credit card and anxiousness at 3 in the goddamned morning. Because this is what happens.

I’ve booked our accommodations for Japan. Yay?

Meanwhile, I’ll take this opportunity to once again remind everyone that I don’t have a Japanese visa yet.

And yet here we are! 8D

Continue reading “Tokyo lodgings found! … In Saitama.”

AirBnB search intensifies

… herp derp. Help. T_T

So, carrying on from last time, I’m still looking around AirBnB for a place for us to stay at in Tokyo.

And no, I still don’t have a Japanese visa. I haven’t even started the application process yet, and I’m still gathering the documents I need for it.

Ahahahah, yeah, here I go again. ;w;

Continue reading “AirBnB search intensifies”

9 memorable AirBnB listings in Tokyo, Japan that I found

There were 10, but I booked the 10th, so I’m not including it here lol.

So now that we have plane tickets to Tokyo, I think I’m finally, finally, finally starting to wrap my head around the fact that OH MY GOD, THIS IS HAPPENING. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.

After a bout of a mild anxiety attack and hyperventilating, I decided to start looking around for accommodations. Figured I’d get some feelers out there and see what sort of price ranges and features we’re going to be mostly dealing with.

At first, I checked the usual popular hotels, hostels, and inns that I usually see named by my friends who have been to Japan before. They seemed… really standardized, I guess..? So I decided to check AirBnB. After all, I’ve booked with them before, and so far, each place I’ve picked out for our vacations (back when D and I were still dating) have turned out okay.

The search has turned out to be more fun than I thought, and I ended up spending about six hours just sifting through listings. This was how I found these places that even though they’re simply not gonna work out for us for one reason or another, I just couldn’t get them out of my head.

Continue reading “9 memorable AirBnB listings in Tokyo, Japan that I found”

We’re going to Ita–… We’re going to Japan!

In the meantime, I’ll do my best to not screw it up.

Okay, so… we were originally supposed to go to Italy later this year to visit my husband’s parents. I mean, we haven’t seen them face to face since our wedding, and that was two years ago, and we miss them.

I was already pulling up checklists and getting ready to face the mountain of paperwork and flaming hoops I’d have to go through in order to get a Schengen visa, but it looks like we’re changing plans lol.

Continue reading “We’re going to Ita–… We’re going to Japan!”